f.a.q. Meet the Team
We regret to inform you that Effective December 1, 2016 GetConnected is permanently shutting its doors. This site will no longer be maintained, but remains open for the time being for informational purposes only.
Dear Writer,

You've completed the first draft of your novel or a stunning short story! Now what?

Welcome to GetConnected, a community of writers working together to support one another in our topsy-turvy love/hate relationship with the almighty word.

Whether this is your first novel, or you're a multi-published phenomenon, each story is different. The final period at the end of the final sentence is not the end, but the beginning. You're stuck in the passive verb lane and can't maneuver your way out. Your characters are fighting between themselves for world dominance and control of the narrative.

What you need is a referee.

In the past, you've probably tried to enlist the help of friends and family to review your manuscript. But by now, you've learned that they don't understand you and what you want from a critique. You've tried the group practice to critiquing and while it may work for some, it lacks the one-on-one approach you prefer.

What you need is a critique partner, another writer who appreciates the commitment and energy it takes to write a story, be it long or short. Someone who shares your passion, understands your goals and how to help you achieve them.

If finding a fresh pair of eyes, a new perspective, and an honest and kind reviewer is something you value as much as we do, you're ready to GetConnected.

Click here to create your profile. Please note that you must register and login before gaining access to your User Control Panel.
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